by Oscar Wilde

As a booster shot of cathartic art, I invite all Ptownies to (virtually) come together with fellow theatre-lovers, read a (funny) play, eat some (BYO) pizza, and enjoy each others' (remote) company!
This month's reading is scheduled for this Tuesday, March 31 at 3pm. And while we're not able to meet in our usual donated space, The Commons is still sponsoring this event by allowing use of their Zoom account for a videoconferencing event!
I'm switching up this month's play from the previous announcement. We'll now be reading Oscar Wilde's 1895 masterpiece, AN IDEAL HUSBAND.
Same rule as always: all those attending must read some part, however small.
Please RSVP by Sunday, March 29, so I can send everyone the script, role assignments, and details on how to join the call the day before the reading. Please indicate your role size preference in your email.