by William Shakespeare

I'm excited to invite you to Act II of our summer Pizza Reading series: A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM by William Shakespeare! This one will be held on the Summer Solstice, the celestial start of summer and the longest day!
I hope you're able to join me for Act II, when we follow the Lovers into the Athenian forest and meet the royal court of the fairies! This June reading of Midsummer's Act II is scheduled for this Wednesday, June 28th at 6pm Eastern. There's plenty of fun character roles for all, and it should last about 45 minutes.
Usual Pizza Reading rules: all participants must read a small part. Please RSVP by Tuesday, June 27th. I will send along the script, roles, and Zoom details on Wednesday morning. To reiterate: Act II of A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM by William Shakespeare Wednesday, June 28 6pm Eastern I hope you can join me for this second installation of our (mid)summer Pizza Reading series!