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by Mark Twain

Come celebreate LEAP Day with a pizza reading from the author of "The Celebrated JUMPING Frog of Calaveras County" -- the great storyteller, satirist, and (who knew!?) playwright: MARK TWAIN.

We'll be reading his little known comedy, IS HE DEAD?, which focuses on a fictional version of the great French painter, Jean-François Millet, as an impoverished artist in Barbizon, France. With the help of his colleagues, he stages his death in order to increase the value of his paintings, and afterwards dresses as a woman to keep his secret safe..... sounds Ptown-appropriate, no?

Written by Twain in 1898, it wasn't published until 2003 after being salvaged from his archives by scholar Shelley Fisher Fishkin.

Join us at The Commons for another rousing reading punctuated by pizza! Same rule as last time: all those attending must read (at least a small part).

RSVP by Feb. 26th, so I can send you the script PDF and assigned role. Please indicate in your email any role size preference.


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