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by Patrick Greene & Jason Pizzarello

Announcing the return of the Virtual Pizza Reading! This month's spooky reading will be THE EDGAR ALLEN POE AFTERLIFE RADIO SHOW by Patrick Greene and Jason Pizza(!)rello on Wednesday, Oct. 27 at 7pm Eastern.

What's that tap, tap, tapping at the radio station door...? It's E.A. Poe himself, set on keeping his stories alive from beyond the grave! Wandering spirits gather to play the roles of Poe's classic works, from The Cask of the Amontillado to The Fall of the House of Usher. But the grim master of the macabre is a little new to radio -- what's all this about commercials? And why is a cemetery cat sticking around for all these stories? Drink up the delicious gothic atmosphere of macabre master this Halloween. What's better than ghost stories around the Campfire (Quorum)?!

Usual Pizza Reading rules: all participants must read at least a small part. Please RSVP by Monday, Oct. 25th. I will send the script, roles, and Zoom info on the 26th. This is another play by living playwrights, so I ask those who want to join to consider purchasing their own play copy: I will send a script PDF as well.

Hope to see you then!


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