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by Dylan Thomas

"A play for voices" is how Dylan Thomas described his lyrical drama about the inhabitants of a small fictional seaside town.

As we're sequestering in our homes, be they in a seaside village or shining city, I invite you to gather online to read and hear the words of Dylan Thomas' UNDER MILK WOOD - words that resonate as true today as ever. As we patiently await a return to our own lives, let's spend a few hours in Thomas' town of Llareggub: where spring is blooming, the townsfolk are going about their daily lives, and their secret thoughts and deams are whispered in the night.

This virtual Ptown Pizza Readings event is for both P-townsfolk and anyone who's a Ptowner at heart, regardless of their global coordinates. With over 60 characters in this epic play for voices, I invite as many people to take part as possible!

The reading is on Sunday, April 19th, 1-4pm Eastern.

In keeping with the nature of the Ptown Pizza Reading series, everyone taking part must read something -- there are many small roles in this play, so just let me know your role size preference when you RSVP. Additionally, since we can't gather around pizza in our wonderful donated space at The Commons, they are sponsoring this event by allowing use of their Zoom account. Details on how to join the call will be provided when you RSVP. And of course, this event is BYOP (Bring Your Own Pizza)!

Please RSVP by Friday, April 17th, and I will send the script, roles, and Zoom details the day before the reading.

As Ben Brantley recently put in The NY Times, "reading plays aloud is a tradition I’d love to revive — and one I would highly recommend to those looking for ways to find magic in empty hours." I believe we can find some of this magic under Milk Wood.


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